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Auto Accident Clinic
We send licensed clinicians to your home to deliver expert 1 on 1 care.

Tired of being sent all over for appointments? We come to you. 

Helping you...

Get your life back. We understand your pain because we've been there too. Injuries are miserable. With the RIGHT treatment, you CAN heal.


Accepting all auto and worker's compensation insurance's, you're never stuck with the bill. 


Private pay also accepted. 

Sports Injury

Our Specialty

Our mobile auto injury clinic sends licensed Physical Therapists to work with you to create a comprehensive plan of care to address all your accident related aches and pains.  We do massage, stretches, modalities, and teach you exercises to treat your muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints for a comprehensive approach to injury rehab. Our goal is to get you feeling as good as new.


You don't have to live in pain any longer.

Mobile Auto Accident Clinic

Integrate Physical Therapy is Utahs 5-star auto injury treatment option. Our Therapists drive to you, bringing with them all the equipment and tools needed to deliver one-on-one injury treatment of the highest standard.  You will never sit on an exercise bike for 20 minutes unattended.  You will only be treated by Licensed Therapists. We are focused on your treatment 100%.  With 11 years of injury rehab experience, we have helped clients with all types of accident injuries.   

Businessman Driving a Car

Why Mobile PT?

One on One


45 - 60 minute treatments


No distractions


No busy gyms


 Just you and your Therapist.



Specialized outpatient orthopedic therapy treatments, brought to your home.


No car? No time? 

No child care?

No problem.

PTSD / Trauma

After Accident

Often people experience debilitating anxiety about driving, or leaving home at all after an auto accident.


Don't let this stop you from getting the care you need..

Build Your


Your case depends on consistent treatments, so does your recovery.


Consistent treatments will result in better outcomes, meaning fixing your pain faster.

Maria M.

"At the start of therapy I had a lot of pain in my neck and shoulder.. Today is my last session with Mike and I feel very happy to no longer have any pain. "

Maria J.

"After my accident I hurt everywhere in my body.  Mike has been amazing and helped me to feel very little pain now. "


"Mike para mi es buenísimo, como profesional  y si me lo permite también se nota que es una buena persona, con sus masajes y los ejercicios que me pone me siento mejor, gracias Mike, si hubiera que puntuarlo lo le daría un 9.75"


"IPT has done an amazing job with my patients. Their treatment plan is perfect for helping people with injuries and their team is very polite, caring, and helpful."


"Muy buena terapia, excelente!"


"Le doy cinco estrellas!"


"I’ve been mostly treated by Mike, and he has set a high bar. It is unlikely I will go to anyone else for other issues in the future. He’s smart, dedicated, and most importantly, helps me learn about my body -it’s strengths and weaknesses- which is the best gift any PT professional can give you as you eventually move on to continue the work yourself."


"I've been doing PT with David and Mike for a few months now and they've both been incredibly helpful!

I trust both of them with everything that they recommend and say. I worked mostly with Mike and he really knows his stuff! He has helped my shoulder get so much more stable and strong than before.

Having a torn labrum, Mike understood how to help each part of my shoulder to help me get back to my normal activities and exercises prior to my auto accident. They were both able to talk through traditional PT exercises, as well as more active and dynamic exercises that I can implement at the gym.

Mike is very professional and personable and offers many options to help provide as much success as possible for his patients and goes above and beyond!

I definitely recommend them!"

What patients are saying...

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